SNA and Local Forces Capture Al-Shabaab Operative in Galgaduud Region

In a significant victory for the Somali National Army (SNA) and local forces in the El-dher district of the Galgaduud region, a foreign national believed to be an Al-Shabaab operative has been captured. The suspect, identified as a Yemeni national, was apprehended while attempting to flee by boat from the Mareeg beaches area.

According to military sources, the capture was made possible through information provided by local residents of El-dher district. During interrogation, the suspect admitted to being a ringleader in the Galgaduud region.

Following recent reports of collaboration between Al-Shabaab and Houthi rebels, the capture is timely. U.S. intelligence sources have indicated that the Houthis have been supplying Al-Shabaab with sophisticated weaponry and logistical support, raising concerns about the potential escalation of violence in the region.

Highlighted in a recent article from VOA News is the fact that Al-Shabaab has been reversing some of the gains made by Somali forces, thanks in part to support from the Houthis.

Enabling Al-Shabaab to bolster its capabilities and expand its operations, this alliance between the two groups has security experts fearing it could lead to an increase in coordinated attacks and a surge in violence.

Last week, Somali government forces targeted several Al-Shabaab hideouts in Galgaduud, leading to the capture and elimination of numerous militants. This operation is part of broader efforts to eliminate Al-Shabaab hideouts in central Somalia.

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