Abdulqadir Mumin, ISIS Leader in Somalia, Confirmed Alive After U.S. Airstrike

Abdulqadir Mumin, the leader of ISIS in Somalia, has been confirmed alive after surviving a U.S. airstrike on May 31, 2024. Despite initial uncertainties, sources within Puntland’s intelligence agencies informed Hiiraan Online that Mumin remains active and is hiding in a highly secured, secret location within the Al-Miskaad mountains in the Bari region.

The recent U.S. airstrike aimed to eliminate Mumin but instead resulted in the deaths of three ISIS members and injuries to several others, leaving Mumin unharmed. Early reports from American intelligence officials were inconclusive about his condition post-strike.

Mumin has been a prime target for counterterrorism efforts due to his significant role within ISIS. He came into the spotlight on October 22, 2015, when he publicly pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. This move made him a high-profile target, leading to his designation as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” by the United States on August 31, 2016. The most recent assassination attempt occurred during the U.S. airstrike on May 31, 2024, near Bosaso, Somalia. Despite the operation, Mumin’s survival underscores the difficulties in neutralizing such high-value targets.

Mumin has fortified his position in the Al-Miskaad mountains, utilizing the area’s rugged terrain to his advantage. This region has become a key base for training ISIS fighters and orchestrating attacks, especially against the rival militant group Al-Shabaab.

The ongoing rivalry between ISIS and Al-Shabaab in Somalia has led to frequent violent conflicts, contributing to regional instability. Under Mumin’s leadership, ISIS is actively challenging Al-Shabaab’s dominance in the region.

ISIS’s presence in the Bari region is marked by widespread extortion and violent reprisals against those who resist their demands. These activities have disrupted local communities and commerce, fostering a pervasive atmosphere of fear and insecurity.

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