Building Alliances: Turkey-Somalia Collaboration Amid Regional Tensions

On a crisp Thursday night, the bustling city of Antalya, Turkey, welcomed a delegation led by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Their purpose? To engage in the third edition of the Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF), a gathering that draws representatives from 147 countries worldwide.

This year’s forum, themed “Elevating Diplomacy Amidst Crises,” promises to tackle pressing global issues. From climate change to migration, Islamophobia to trade wars, and even the implications of artificial intelligence, the agenda is packed with discussions crucial to international relations.

President Mohamud and his accompanying delegates have a busy itinerary, including individual meetings with Turkish officials. These discussions are vital, especially considering the recent establishment of a 10-year defense and economic cooperation agreement between Somalia and Turkey. This agreement, signed in Ankara on Feb. 8, has stirred debate within Somalia, highlighting the importance of this diplomatic visit.

Moreover, tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia have heightened in recent times. The trigger? Ethiopia’s signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Somalia’s breakaway Somaliland region—a move vehemently rejected by Somalia, labeling the deal as “null and void.” This backdrop adds an extra layer of significance to the discussions and negotiations at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum.

As the Somali delegation navigates through the intricacies of international diplomacy in the vibrant city of Antalya, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for constructive dialogue and meaningful outcomes amidst the challenging geopolitical landscape.

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