Discord Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud reiterated that the al-Shabab group has been instigating

Country to create discord among clans in several regions of the Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud reiterated that the al-Shabab group has been instigating conflicts.

To liberate areas still under al-Shabab control President Mohamud emphasized that the group aims to disrupt the second phase of the government’s operation Speaking on Saturday at the opening of the 5th session of the Lower House of the Somali Parliament.

To divert attention from the liberation of the country “It is part of the terrorists’ plan to turn our people against each other. That will not happen. We are making our country peaceful and expelling the Khawarij from the country,” said President Hassan Sheikh.

In ending clan conflicts in the Mudug region, which have resulted in nearly 30 deaths and 50 injuries The president praised the efforts of regional governments and traditional elders.

Luuq district, Mudug region, and Lower Shabelle region Recent inter-clan conflicts have occurred in the Galgadud region.

Cessation of hostilities between two rival clan militia forces in the Luuq district of the Gedo region on Friday Jubbaland regional state leader Ahmed Mohamed Islam Madobe called for an immediate

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