Djibouti has announced its readiness to mediate talks between Somalia and Ethiopia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia, Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf, said that Somalia and Kenya are working together to solve their problems like Ethiopia and Somalia used to do.

“Taasi waa hadafka Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle,” ayuu yidhi.

Waxaa lagu sheegay in kulanka hore ee Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya ay dhacday dalka Kenya, waxaana loo wada filayaa in kulanka kale ay dhacdo dalka Jabuuti.

Translation: “The region has many problems that we don’t understand, there might be a new fight happening in the region.” he said.

Xawaaladda Jabuuti waxay ku soo celinaysaa dadaalka ugu wanaagsan ee ugu dambayn Soomaalida.

A long time ago, Somalia’s government has not yet responded to Djibouti’s talk.

The leader, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, said that Ethiopia is talking about Somaliland when they become independent.

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