Foreigners Who Left IS Released by Puntland Military Court

Six foreign men who left the Islamic State (IS) group in Puntland State have been released by the Puntland military court.

General Abdifatah Haji Adan, who heads the Puntland military court, said that these men, who were from Ethiopia and Morocco, surrendered to Puntland after escaping from IS.

The men have been handed over to the Puntland Ministry of Justice so they can go back to their own countries. The court also released six children who were with IS.

Earlier in March, the Puntland military court sentenced six Moroccans, who were believed to be foreign fighters for IS in Somalia, to death. Their names were Mohamed Hassan, Ahmed Najwi, Khalid Latha, Mohamed Binu Mohamed Ahmed, Ridwan Abdulkadir Osmany, and Ahmed Hussein Ibrahim.

However, Puntland didn’t say if the Moroccans released now were among those sentenced in March.

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