Former Somali Parliament Speaker Prof. Mohamed Osman Jawari Passes Away

Prof. Mohamed Osman Jawari, former Somali Parliament Speaker, passed away in Mogadishu on Friday afternoon following an illness, as confirmed by his family and friends. The news of his death was announced on Somali National Television by Hussein Sheikh Mohamud, the Somali President’s Adviser on Constitutional Affairs.

Born in 1945 in the Afgoye district of the Lower Shabelle region, Prof. Jawari was registered in the Burhakaba district of the Bay region. He graduated from Somali National University, specializing in Islamic Sharia and Comprehensive Law.

Prof. Jawari served as a minister under the administration of Siad Barre, the last government to control the entire country before its collapse in 1991. He was also a professional lawyer, having worked for the UN and as an academic in Norway.

Since 1960, Prof. Jawari significantly contributed to the development of several Somali constitutions, leaving a lasting legacy in Somali politics and law.

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