Grandfather Recounts Discovering Grandson’s Death on TV in Police Shooting Case

Recounting how he discovered his grandson’s death through a news broadcast, Ramadan Karani, the grandfather of Jamal Mohamed, said, “I saw the case on TV and about my grandchild Jamal Mohamed. I was shocked and tried to call my nephew to ascertain what had happened,” he told the court. Describing the harrowing visit to the mortuary, Karani saw his grandson’s body with multiple gunshot wounds. Clarifying that Jamal was not a police officer and likely borrowed the uniform from a friend, Karani was shown images of his grandson in a police uniform and holding a metallic object during cross-examination.

Testified in-camera, another key witness expressed fear for their safety, highlighting the high-stakes nature of this trial. An extensive witness list, with 25 individuals, including police officers and civilians, has been prepared by the state to testify against Rashid.

Known for his tough stance on crime in Eastleigh, Rashid has been a polarizing figure. Ordered to surrender to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations in Garissa and undergo a medical examination before his trial, Rashid faces charges stemming from an incident on March 31, 2017, at Amal Plaza in Eastleigh, Nairobi, where he allegedly shot and killed two teenagers in broad daylight. Following public outcry and the emergence of a viral video showing the shootings, the Independent Policing and Oversight Authority (IPOA) initiated the case.

Set to continue with additional testimonies in the coming weeks, the trial is presided over by Justice Diana Kavedza. Detailed by the prosecution during initial hearings, the sequence of events leading to the fatal shootings has been questioned by the defence in terms of credibility and motivations behind the charges. The next hearing is scheduled for June 12, 2024.

The prosecution’s strategy involves painting Rashid as a rogue officer who took the law into his own hands. Within the scope of his duties as a police officer and acting in self-defence, argues Rashid’s defence. Asserting that the accusations are part of a concerted effort to tarnish his reputation, Rashid has denied the charges.

Sparked a national debate on the use of force by law enforcement, the case has highlighted the need for comprehensive police reforms. Advocating for justice for the victims and their families, human rights organizations have been closely monitoring the proceedings.

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