Hundreds of Missiles and Drones Launched by Iran in First Ever Direct Attack on Israel

The attack, which occurred late on Saturday night, saw air raid sirens blare across Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem. Israeli air defenses successfully intercepted the majority of the more than 300 missiles and drones launched by Iran, with assistance from US and UK forces.

Despite the interception, the assault caused minor damage at an Israeli military base in southern Israel and resulted in injuries, including a seven-year-old girl. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied responsibility for the consulate attack in Syria that Iran claims as the reason for its retaliation.

In response to the Iranian attack, Western countries, including the US, UK, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Mexico, the Netherlands, and Norway, condemned Iran’s actions. Egypt and Saudi Arabia called for restraint amid escalating tensions in the region.

US President Joe Biden interrupted his weekend retreat to address the unfolding situation, convening a meeting with his national security team and speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden assured Israel of full US support against any further attacks by Iran or its proxies.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon affirmed US support for Israel’s defense against threats from Iran and its regional allies. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres voiced concern over the risk of a broader escalation, while Russia cautioned against further confrontation.

The Security Council received letters from both Israel and Iran regarding the incident. Iran asserted its attack was in accordance with the UN Charter’s framework on self-defense and warned of a stronger response if Israel retaliates. The situation remains tense as diplomatic efforts continue to address the crisis.

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