Multiple al-Shabab Fighters Perish in Airstrike on Mudug Region

In the Barag Garguurte area near the Harardhere district of the Mudug region, an airstrike conducted on Monday claimed the lives of several al-Shabab militants.

Situated approximately 20 kilometers south of the Harardhere district, the targeted location had been identified as a gathering point for al-Shabab members in recent days, as reported by the federal government.

According to a statement issued by the government, drones were deployed to strike areas where al-Shabab insurgents had been congregating. The operation aimed to disrupt the group’s activities and diminish its capacity to carry out attacks in the region.

“The Khawarij have been observed bringing vehicles into the area. The airstrike successfully destroyed military vehicles and resulted in casualties among the terrorists. Additionally, three vehicles were engulfed in flames,” the statement detailed.

While the government refrained from providing specific figures regarding the militants killed in the airstrike, it underscored the severity of the blow dealt to the al-Shabab group.

The attack in Barag Garguurte comes at a time when much of the southern part of the Mudug region remains under the control of al-Shabab militants. Efforts to weaken the group’s grip on the region through targeted operations like this airstrike are indicative of the ongoing struggle to restore peace and security in Somalia.

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