President Expands Mogadishu’s Reach, Establishes Three New Districts in Banadir Region

President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo has announced the creation of three new districts in the Banadir region. This move is expected to help improve services, boost development, and bring government closer to the people.

At a press conference, President Farmaajo highlighted the benefits of this decision. “This is a big step for Mogadishu and the Banadir region. The new districts will make it easier to manage resources and improve services for our citizens,” he said.

The new districts are a response to the city’s growing population and aim to decentralize government functions. This means people will have better access to services and can communicate more effectively with local officials.

Community leaders and residents are hopeful about the changes. Ahmed Nur, a community leader in one of the new districts, said, “This is a positive development. It will help address local issues more effectively.”

The government plans to invest in essential projects in these new districts, such as building roads, schools, and healthcare facilities. There will also be efforts to support small businesses and create jobs.

Improving security is another goal of this expansion. With more localized governance, the government aims to better coordinate security efforts and reduce crime.

International groups have praised the initiative. A representative from the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) said, “Good local governance is key for development and stability.”

The Somali government encourages citizens to participate in developing their new districts. President Farmaajo urged residents to work with local officials to ensure the success of this plan.

The creation of these new districts marks an important step for Mogadishu, promising better governance, improved services, and more opportunities for its people.

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