Social Media Influencers Referred to Court for Clan-Based Insults

The National Attorney General’s Office referred 19 social media influencers to the Banadir Regional Court on Tuesday for spreading clan-based insults and engaging in “bad behavior” online.

According to the Office of the Attorney General, the defendants are accused of inciting ethnic conflict, disrupting security, spreading hatred, and making insults while using social media, particularly the TikTok platform.

An office request was made for the Banadir Regional Court to start the case hearing immediately.

A strong warning was issued by the Attorney General’s office to individuals using social media for harmful practices that go against Islamic values and Somali cultural norms. Last month, Somali police arrested 21 social media influencers, both male and female, although two were released due to illness.

Many Somalis believe that spreading clan and family insults for monetary gain is unjustifiable. The use of offensive language, including insults and threats, is part of what the Somali government has condemned as immoral. Clannism remains a highly sensitive topic in Somali society, with many conflicts rooted in tribal divisions.

Over 50 people have been killed and 60 others wounded in inter-clan fighting in rural areas between Herale and Abudwaq towns in the Galgaduud region this week. The conflict started over a dispute involving grazing land and watering wells.

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