Somali Foreign Minister Meets with UN Official to Discuss Security and Collaboration

Somalia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ahmed Moallim Fiqi Ahmed, met with Mr. Raisedon Zenenga, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General at the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), to discuss security advancements and UN collaboration.**


On Wednesday, Ahmed Moallim Fiqi Ahmed, Somalia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, held a meeting in Mogadishu with Mr. Raisedon Zenenga, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General at the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). The discussion focused on recent progress in security and political sectors, as well as ongoing cooperation between the Federal Government of Somalia and the United Nations.

The meeting also explored ways to establish a joint technical committee comprising members from both Somalia and the UN. This committee will work on the planned transition process towards setting up a UN country office in Somalia.

In a related development, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has appointed James Christopher Swan as his acting special representative for Somalia and head of UNSOM. Swan will temporarily fill the position following the departure of Catriona Laing of the United Kingdom, who was praised by the Secretary-General for her dedicated service during a challenging period.


The discussions between Minister Ahmed and Mr. Zenenga underline the importance of continued collaboration between Somalia and the United Nations in enhancing security and political stability. The establishment of a joint technical committee and the appointment of James Christopher Swan as acting special representative are significant steps in strengthening these efforts.

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