Somali Leaders Extend Eid Al Adha Greetings

On the occasion of Eid Al Adha, Somali leaders, including President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre, have sent congratulatory messages to the Muslim community, particularly Somalis. They conveyed wishes for continued progress, prosperity, and stability to Islamic nations and all Muslim people.

Expressing his wishes to the Somali National Army on the frontlines, President Mohamud urged people to forgive each other and assist those in need. Prime Minister Barre underscored the importance of unity, compassion, and faith during this cherished time. He emphasized the government’s aspirations for prosperity and development in the coming year and encouraged the public to support the government and the military.

Greeting the people, lawmakers, and their families on this Eid occasion, the Speakers of the bicameral parliament, Sheikh Aden Madobe and Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, along with regional leaders, extended their well-wishes.

Emphasizing the importance of strengthening solidarity, tolerance, and stability across the country, the United Nations in Somalia joined in the celebrations. “On behalf of the entire United Nations family in Somalia, I wish you all a peaceful and joyous Eid Al Adha,” said the UN Secretary-General’s Acting Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan.

A four-day holiday for Eid for the public and private sectors has already been announced. Marking one of the most important festivals in Islam, Eid Al Adha, meaning “festival of the sacrifice,” coincides with the Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah, which all Muslims are required to make at least once in their lives if able to do so.

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