Somali President’s Adviser Accuses Puntland Leader of Political Self-Interest in Constitutional Amendments Dispute

Hussein Sheikh Mohamud, the Somali President’s Adviser on Constitutional Affairs, has accused Puntland leader Said Abdullahi Deni of neglecting constitutional negotiations due to personal political ambitions.**

In a recent interview with a local television station in Mogadishu, Hussein Sheikh Mohamud, adviser to the Somali President on Constitutional Affairs, sharply criticized Puntland leader Said Abdullahi Deni for his absence from crucial constitutional negotiation discussions. Mohamud claimed Deni’s actions are driven by personal political interests, hindering the progress of essential constitutional reforms.

Mohamud pointed out that Puntland’s representatives in the federal parliament had supported the amendments to the country’s constitution, highlighting that Deni stands isolated in his opposition. “The man who wrote down the names of 60 MPs on his hand… can’t say I know more about the government than you do. Have you heard anyone from Puntland in the federal parliament objecting to the constitutional amendments?” Mohamud questioned, emphasizing the consensus among Puntland lawmakers.

The adviser stressed the authority of the federal parliament’s two houses over constitutional matters and urged state governments to trust their appointed MPs. He noted that in March, Somalia’s two houses of parliament unanimously approved four chapters of the constitution, encompassing provisions on freedom of expression, women’s representation, and the leadership system.

Despite this legislative progress, opposition from key political figures, including Puntland’s leader Said Abdullahi Deni, and former Somali Presidents Farmaajo and Sheikh Shariif, has surfaced. These politicians have raised concerns over the parliament’s amendments, creating a contentious political climate.

As Somalia continues to navigate its constitutional reform process, the rift between federal and regional leaders like Deni underscores the complexities of achieving political consensus. Hussein Sheikh Mohamud’s public criticism highlights the urgency and challenges in uniting the country’s leadership to solidify its democratic foundations.

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