Somalia Declares Ethiopia Not a Friend Due to Border Disputes

The Somali government announced on Saturday that it cannot consider Ethiopia a friend in working towards peace and security in the region as long as Ethiopia continues to violate Somalia’s borders and independence.

Hussein Sheikh Ali, Somalia’s National Security Advisor, stated, “As long as Ethiopia keeps violating our borders and independence, we cannot see it as a friend in promoting peace and security in the region.”

During a Twitter Space event on Friday night, Hussein Sheikh Ali also confirmed that new troops from Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, and Burundi will come to Somalia after the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) leaves the country by the end of December 2024.

Additionally, he made it clear that Ethiopian troops will not be part of the AU-led forces in the country once the ATMIS mission ends.

Currently, Somalia is talking with international partners about bringing in multinational forces for one year, starting in January 2025. The new mission’s name and the exact number of troops are not yet decided.

Relations between Ethiopia and Somalia have worsened since January 1, when Ethiopia signed an agreement with Somaliland. The agreement gives Ethiopia sea access and a military base in exchange for possibly recognizing Somaliland.

Furthermore, the Somali government rejected the agreement and, in April, expelled the Ethiopian ambassador to Somalia, Muqtar Mohamed, and ordered the closure of the Ethiopian consulates in Somaliland and Puntland.

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