SSC-Khatumo Leader Joins National Meeting in Mogadishu

Abdikhadir Ahmed Aw-Ali Firdhiye, the leader of SSC-Khatumo, joined the National Consultative Council (NCC) meeting in Mogadishu for the first time on Thursday.

The NCC, made up of leaders from the federal government and regional states, listened to Firdhiye talk about what’s happening in the SSC-Khatumo areas. They stressed the need for SSC-Khatumo to get its rights from the Federal Government of Somalia.

The leaders praised the SSC-Khatumo administration for working hard to keep Somalia united and independent.

During the meeting, they discussed important topics like the country’s political situation, security, and upcoming elections.

It’s not clear if Firdhiye will be part of the whole NCC meeting, which ends today. However, reports say he will have side meetings with President Mohamud and other regional

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