Warning from US: Potential Attacks Expected at Multiple Points in Mogadishu

The U.S. Embassy in Nairobi has been informed of threats targeting multiple sites within Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Multiple locations in Mogadishu, including the Aden Adde International Airport, are believed to be potential targets of the threats, according to the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi. U.S. Embassy personnel have been instructed to suspend all movements on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, in response to the security alert. The U.S. Department of State has maintained its level-four travel advisory (“do not travel”) for Somalia, citing various risks such as crime, terrorism, civil unrest, health concerns, kidnapping, and piracy. U.S. citizens are advised to take precautionary measures, including reviewing their personal security plans and avoiding crowded areas and demonstrations.

Although the source of the threat was not specified by the United States, the al-Shabab militant group has a history of launching attacks in Somalia. The airport in Mogadishu has previously been targeted by al-Shabab militants, resulting in casualties and security breaches. In February 2016, an attempted bombing on a flight by an al-Shabab member underscored the ongoing security challenges in Somalia.

The Somali government announced an airstrike near the town of Harardhere, claiming to have killed over 50 al-Shabab militants. However, the casualty figure has not been independently verified by VOA. Somalia is preparing for the withdrawal of troops from the African Union Transition Mission (ATMIS) by the end of the year, prompting discussions on a new multinational force to support security efforts in the country. The AU Peace and Security Council has welcomed Somalia’s proposal for a post-ATMIS security arrangement and expressed support for the deployment of a multinational force in Somalia starting January 2025. Details about the composition of the multinational force and contributing countries have not been disclosed by Somali officials, although it is expected to consist of lean forces focused on protecting key areas and infrastructure.

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