English News

Saudi Arabia Participates in Ministerial Meeting to Support Somalia’s Sovereignty

On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia's Deputy Minister for International Multilateral Affairs, Abdulrahman Al-Rassi, took part in a ministeria...

Bangladeshi Ship Crew Abducted By Somali Pirates Return Home

In a heartwarming development, nearly two dozen Bangladeshi cargo ship crew members, who were abduct...

James Swan Takes Over as UN’s Somalia Representative

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed James Swan as the Acting Special Repre...

African Union Representative Meets with Djibouti Military Officials in Mogadishu

On Sunday, Ambassador Souef Mohamed El-amine, who represents the African Union Commission and leads the ...

Foreigners Who Left IS Released by Puntland Military Court

Six foreign men who left the Islamic State (IS) group in Puntland State have been released by the Puntland military court. Gene...

Somali President Leads Meeting to Discuss Country’s Future

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud chaired the National Consultative Council meeting in Mogadishu on...

Grenade Attacks Hit Homes in Baidoa

Gunmen threw grenades at two homes in Baidoa, the temporary capital of Southwest state, on Sunday night. The first grenade hit ...

The Ethiopia-Somaliland naval base deal is a violation of international law

On January 1, 2024, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Republic of Somalilan...

Ilhan Omar Gets DFL Endorsement for Primary Rematch

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar won the DFL's endorsement in Minneapolis on Saturday for the upcoming primary election rematch against Don Sa...

Somali National Security Director Meets Beledweyne Residents to Boost Fight Against al-Sha...

Abdullahi Mohamed Ali Sanbalolshe, the Director of the Somali National Security and Intelligence Agency (NISA), met with residents...

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